Whilst Deanne was in Georgia during a recent business trip, one the events she attended took place in an aviation museum. One of the permanent displays was a gallery of aviation art by Keith Ferris, a renowned aviation artist whose work includes a 25 foot high, by 75 foot wide B-17 mural in the National Air and Space Museum.His primary focus is military aircraft but his subjects occassionally include commercial aircraft. When Deanne saw the picture above entitled "21st Century Transports" she knew it is a piece I would have absolutely adored. Unlike most aviation enthusiasts, I enjoy commercial aviation more than military aviation. When she returned from her trip she told me about the painting and how much she thought I would like it. Then about a week later a package arrived in the mail. In it was a limited edition print of the very painting she had talked so much about. It was stunning. I absolutely love it and I had it immediately framed and put up in pride of place in our living room.
The picture above doesn't do it justice, you really need to see it in person.