Last week I finally reached my goal of breaking the 200lb mark. (Sorry for the crappy camphone photo below.) I haven't seen a 1 at the beginning of my weight since I left England six years ago. It was a great, great feeling.
Each time I reached a milestone like 220 or 210, I would say to myself "these next 10lbs are going to be impossible to shake." Well that just wasn't the case. The weightloss has been pretty much consistent so far. We have three more weeks to go on the trial so I have actually revised my goal downwards to 190lbs, but 200lbs is just really exciting for me.
At the request of some of my (female) coworkers, I went shopping this weekend for clothes that actually fit. They're reasons for wanting me in properly fitting clothes were wholly immoral, I assure you. Anyway, I usually loathe clothes shopping with a passion reserved only for taxes and cleaning out the litterbox. But this time was different. Through my wife's persistence (read: nagging) I tried on clothes in sizes that have never graced my body before. In the midst of all this weightloss, I have gone from a zize 40 jeans to sitting here in a size 34 and constantly needing to pull them up. I've gone from a size XL t-shirt to a M and even that is very baggy. It's definitely a huge ego booster.
So what's next? Well I'm going to drop those last 10lbs and then dedicate my time to weights and toning. The trial goes on for another three weeks and if I remain disciplined, I should be able to drop those 10lbs during the remainder of the trial. I've also signed up to do the AIDS Lifecycle next June, which is a 585 mile bike ride from San Francisco to LA to raise funds for AIDS research. So my training for that will begin in earnest. Come to think of it....I should probably get a bike.
As for the program, I can't speak much about the details, suffice to say it's excellent. When it becomes publicly available later in the month I will share details and tell you how to get it.
Until then, thanks for the encouragement everyone!